Introducing Aceternity UI Pro - Premium component packs and templates to build awesome websites.

Spotlight New

A new spotlight component with left and right spotlight, configurable and customizable.

Open in

which is not overused.

A subtle yet effective spotlight effect, because the previous version is used a bit too much these days.


Install dependencies

npm i motion clsx tailwind-merge

Add util file

import { ClassValue, clsx } from "clsx";
import { twMerge } from "tailwind-merge";
export function cn(...inputs: ClassValue[]) {
  return twMerge(clsx(inputs));

Copy the source code


"use client";
import React from "react";
import { motion } from "motion/react";
type SpotlightProps = {
  gradientFirst?: string;
  gradientSecond?: string;
  gradientThird?: string;
  translateY?: number;
  width?: number;
  height?: number;
  smallWidth?: number;
  duration?: number;
  xOffset?: number;
export const Spotlight = ({
  gradientFirst = "radial-gradient(68.54% 68.72% at 55.02% 31.46%, hsla(210, 100%, 85%, .08) 0, hsla(210, 100%, 55%, .02) 50%, hsla(210, 100%, 45%, 0) 80%)",
  gradientSecond = "radial-gradient(50% 50% at 50% 50%, hsla(210, 100%, 85%, .06) 0, hsla(210, 100%, 55%, .02) 80%, transparent 100%)",
  gradientThird = "radial-gradient(50% 50% at 50% 50%, hsla(210, 100%, 85%, .04) 0, hsla(210, 100%, 45%, .02) 80%, transparent 100%)",
  translateY = -350,
  width = 560,
  height = 1380,
  smallWidth = 240,
  duration = 7,
  xOffset = 100,
}: SpotlightProps = {}) => {
  return (
        opacity: 0,
        opacity: 1,
        duration: 1.5,
      className="pointer-events-none absolute inset-0 h-full w-full"
          x: [0, xOffset, 0],
          repeat: Infinity,
          repeatType: "reverse",
          ease: "easeInOut",
        className="absolute top-0 left-0 w-screen h-screen z-40 pointer-events-none"
            transform: `translateY(${translateY}px) rotate(-45deg)`,
            background: gradientFirst,
            width: `${width}px`,
            height: `${height}px`,
          className={`absolute top-0 left-0`}
            transform: "rotate(-45deg) translate(5%, -50%)",
            background: gradientSecond,
            width: `${smallWidth}px`,
            height: `${height}px`,
          className={`absolute top-0 left-0 origin-top-left`}
            transform: "rotate(-45deg) translate(-180%, -70%)",
            background: gradientThird,
            width: `${smallWidth}px`,
            height: `${height}px`,
          className={`absolute top-0 left-0 origin-top-left`}
          x: [0, -xOffset, 0],
          repeat: Infinity,
          repeatType: "reverse",
          ease: "easeInOut",
        className="absolute top-0 right-0 w-screen h-screen z-40 pointer-events-none"
            transform: `translateY(${translateY}px) rotate(45deg)`,
            background: gradientFirst,
            width: `${width}px`,
            height: `${height}px`,
          className={`absolute top-0 right-0`}
            transform: "rotate(45deg) translate(-5%, -50%)",
            background: gradientSecond,
            width: `${smallWidth}px`,
            height: `${height}px`,
          className={`absolute top-0 right-0 origin-top-right`}
            transform: "rotate(45deg) translate(180%, -70%)",
            background: gradientThird,
            width: `${smallWidth}px`,
            height: `${height}px`,
          className={`absolute top-0 right-0 origin-top-right`}


gradientFirststring"radial-gradient(68.54% 68.72% at 55.02% 31.46%, hsla(210, 100%, 85%, .08) 0, hsla(210, 100%, 55%, .02) 50%, hsla(210, 100%, 45%, 0) 80%)"First gradient color for the spotlight effect
gradientSecondstring"radial-gradient(50% 50% at 50% 50%, hsla(210, 100%, 85%, .06) 0, hsla(210, 100%, 55%, .02) 80%, transparent 100%)"Second gradient color for the spotlight effect
gradientThirdstring"radial-gradient(50% 50% at 50% 50%, hsla(210, 100%, 85%, .04) 0, hsla(210, 100%, 45%, .02) 80%, transparent 100%)"Third gradient color for the spotlight effect
translateYnumber-350Vertical translation offset in pixels
widthnumber560Width of the main spotlight element in pixels
heightnumber1380Height of the spotlight elements in pixels
smallWidthnumber240Width of the smaller spotlight elements in pixels
durationnumber7Animation duration in seconds
xOffsetnumber100Horizontal animation offset in pixels

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Professional, beautiful and elegant templates for your business. Get the best component packs and templates with Aceternity UI Pro.

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Manu is a genius. He is open-minded, curious and deeply invested in the projects he chooses to work on. He takes your vision and brings it to life -- and is a true partner in th...

Meru Gokhale

Founder at Editorially, Editrix

A product by Aceternity
Building in public at @mannupaaji