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Glare Card

A glare effect that happens on hover, as seen on Linear's website

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Install util dependencies

npm i motion clsx tailwind-merge

Add util file

import { ClassValue, clsx } from "clsx";
import { twMerge } from "tailwind-merge";
export function cn(...inputs: ClassValue[]) {
  return twMerge(clsx(inputs));

Copy the source code


import { cn } from "@/lib/utils";
import { useRef } from "react";
export const GlareCard = ({
}: {
  children: React.ReactNode;
  className?: string;
}) => {
  const isPointerInside = useRef(false);
  const refElement = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
  const state = useRef({
    glare: {
      x: 50,
      y: 50,
    background: {
      x: 50,
      y: 50,
    rotate: {
      x: 0,
      y: 0,
  const containerStyle = {
    "--m-x": "50%",
    "--m-y": "50%",
    "--r-x": "0deg",
    "--r-y": "0deg",
    "--bg-x": "50%",
    "--bg-y": "50%",
    "--duration": "300ms",
    "--foil-size": "100%",
    "--opacity": "0",
    "--radius": "48px",
    "--easing": "ease",
    "--transition": "var(--duration) var(--easing)",
  } as any;
  const backgroundStyle = {
    "--step": "5%",
    "--foil-svg": `url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg width='26' height='26' viewBox='0 0 26 26' fill='none' xmlns=''%3E%3Cpath d='M2.99994 3.419C2.99994 3.419 21.6142 7.43646 22.7921 12.153C23.97 16.8695 3.41838 23.0306 3.41838 23.0306' stroke='white' stroke-width='5' stroke-miterlimit='3.86874' stroke-linecap='round' style='mix-blend-mode:darken'/%3E%3C/svg%3E")`,
    "--pattern": "var(--foil-svg) center/100% no-repeat",
      "repeating-linear-gradient( 0deg,rgb(255,119,115) calc(var(--step) * 1),rgba(255,237,95,1) calc(var(--step) * 2),rgba(168,255,95,1) calc(var(--step) * 3),rgba(131,255,247,1) calc(var(--step) * 4),rgba(120,148,255,1) calc(var(--step) * 5),rgb(216,117,255) calc(var(--step) * 6),rgb(255,119,115) calc(var(--step) * 7) ) 0% var(--bg-y)/200% 700% no-repeat",
      "repeating-linear-gradient( 128deg,#0e152e 0%,hsl(180,10%,60%) 3.8%,hsl(180,10%,60%) 4.5%,hsl(180,10%,60%) 5.2%,#0e152e 10%,#0e152e 12% ) var(--bg-x) var(--bg-y)/300% no-repeat",
      "radial-gradient( farthest-corner circle at var(--m-x) var(--m-y),rgba(255,255,255,0.1) 12%,rgba(255,255,255,0.15) 20%,rgba(255,255,255,0.25) 120% ) var(--bg-x) var(--bg-y)/300% no-repeat",
    backgroundBlendMode: "hue, hue, hue, overlay",
  const updateStyles = () => {
    if (refElement.current) {
      const { background, rotate, glare } = state.current;
      refElement.current?.style.setProperty("--m-x", `${glare.x}%`);
      refElement.current?.style.setProperty("--m-y", `${glare.y}%`);
      refElement.current?.style.setProperty("--r-x", `${rotate.x}deg`);
      refElement.current?.style.setProperty("--r-y", `${rotate.y}deg`);
      refElement.current?.style.setProperty("--bg-x", `${background.x}%`);
      refElement.current?.style.setProperty("--bg-y", `${background.y}%`);
  return (
      className="relative isolate [contain:layout_style] [perspective:600px] transition-transform duration-[var(--duration)] ease-[var(--easing)] delay-[var(--delay)] will-change-transform w-[320px] [aspect-ratio:17/21]"
      onPointerMove={(event) => {
        const rotateFactor = 0.4;
        const rect = event.currentTarget.getBoundingClientRect();
        const position = {
          x: event.clientX - rect.left,
          y: event.clientY -,
        const percentage = {
          x: (100 / rect.width) * position.x,
          y: (100 / rect.height) * position.y,
        const delta = {
          x: percentage.x - 50,
          y: percentage.y - 50,
        const { background, rotate, glare } = state.current;
        background.x = 50 + percentage.x / 4 - 12.5;
        background.y = 50 + percentage.y / 3 - 16.67;
        rotate.x = -(delta.x / 3.5);
        rotate.y = delta.y / 2;
        rotate.x *= rotateFactor;
        rotate.y *= rotateFactor;
        glare.x = percentage.x;
        glare.y = percentage.y;
      onPointerEnter={() => {
        isPointerInside.current = true;
        if (refElement.current) {
          setTimeout(() => {
            if (isPointerInside.current) {
              refElement.current?.style.setProperty("--duration", "0s");
          }, 300);
      onPointerLeave={() => {
        isPointerInside.current = false;
        if (refElement.current) {
          refElement.current?.style.setProperty("--r-x", `0deg`);
          refElement.current?.style.setProperty("--r-y", `0deg`);
      <div className="h-full grid will-change-transform origin-center transition-transform duration-[var(--duration)] ease-[var(--easing)] delay-[var(--delay)] [transform:rotateY(var(--r-x))_rotateX(var(--r-y))] rounded-[var(--radius)] border border-slate-800 hover:[--opacity:0.6] hover:[--duration:200ms] hover:[--easing:linear] hover:filter-none overflow-hidden">
        <div className="w-full h-full grid [grid-area:1/1] mix-blend-soft-light [clip-path:inset(0_0_0_0_round_var(--radius))]">
          <div className={cn("h-full w-full bg-slate-950", className)}>
        <div className="w-full h-full grid [grid-area:1/1] mix-blend-soft-light [clip-path:inset(0_0_1px_0_round_var(--radius))] opacity-[var(--opacity)] transition-opacity transition-background duration-[var(--duration)] ease-[var(--easing)] delay-[var(--delay)] will-change-background [background:radial-gradient(farthest-corner_circle_at_var(--m-x)_var(--m-y),_rgba(255,255,255,0.8)_10%,_rgba(255,255,255,0.65)_20%,_rgba(255,255,255,0)_90%)]" />
          className="w-full h-full grid [grid-area:1/1] mix-blend-color-dodge opacity-[var(--opacity)] will-change-background transition-opacity [clip-path:inset(0_0_1px_0_round_var(--radius))] [background-blend-mode:hue_hue_hue_overlay] [background:var(--pattern),_var(--rainbow),_var(--diagonal),_var(--shade)] relative after:content-[''] after:grid-area-[inherit] after:bg-repeat-[inherit] after:bg-attachment-[inherit] after:bg-origin-[inherit] after:bg-clip-[inherit] after:bg-[inherit] after:mix-blend-exclusion after:[background-size:var(--foil-size),_200%_400%,_800%,_200%] after:[background-position:center,_0%_var(--bg-y),_calc(var(--bg-x)*_-1)_calc(var(--bg-y)*_-1),_var(--bg-x)_var(--bg-y)] after:[background-blend-mode:soft-light,_hue,_hard-light]"
          style={{ ...backgroundStyle }}


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The greatest trick

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince the world that he didn't exist.


Prop NameTypeDescriptionRequired
childrenReact.ReactNodeThe content to be displayed inside the card.Yes
classNamestringAdditional CSS class names to apply to the card.No

This component is inspired by Linear's customers page

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Manu is the man! He is the best front-end developer I have worked with. He took the requirements and quite literally ran with them. We are super happy with the result and product we go...

John Shahawy

Founder at Rogue and Moonbeam

A product by Aceternity
Building in public at @mannupaaji