Aurora Background
A subtle Aurora or Southern Lights background for your website.
Background lights are cool you know.
And this, is chemical burn.
Install util dependencies
npm i motion clsx tailwind-merge
Add util file
import { ClassValue, clsx } from "clsx";
import { twMerge } from "tailwind-merge";
export function cn(...inputs: ClassValue[]) {
return twMerge(clsx(inputs));
Configure animations for Tailwind CSS
@import "tailwindcss";
@theme inline {
--animate-aurora: aurora 60s linear infinite;
@keyframes aurora {
from {
50% 50%,
50% 50%;
to {
350% 50%,
350% 50%;
Copy the source code
"use client";
import { cn } from "@/lib/utils";
import React, { ReactNode } from "react";
interface AuroraBackgroundProps extends React.HTMLProps<HTMLDivElement> {
children: ReactNode;
showRadialGradient?: boolean;
export const AuroraBackground = ({
showRadialGradient = true,
}: AuroraBackgroundProps) => {
return (
"transition-bg relative flex h-[100vh] flex-col items-center justify-center bg-zinc-50 text-slate-950 dark:bg-zinc-900",
className="absolute inset-0 overflow-hidden"
"--blue-300": "#93c5fd",
"--blue-400": "#60a5fa",
"--blue-500": "#3b82f6",
"--indigo-300": "#a5b4fc",
"--violet-200": "#ddd6fe",
"--black": "#000",
"--white": "#fff",
"--transparent": "transparent",
} as React.CSSProperties
// I'm sorry but this is what peak developer performance looks like // trigger warning
`after:animate-aurora pointer-events-none absolute -inset-[10px] [background-image:var(--white-gradient),var(--aurora)] [background-size:300%,_200%] [background-position:50%_50%,50%_50%] opacity-50 blur-[10px] invert filter will-change-transform [--aurora:repeating-linear-gradient(100deg,var(--blue-500)_10%,var(--indigo-300)_15%,var(--blue-300)_20%,var(--violet-200)_25%,var(--blue-400)_30%)] [--dark-gradient:repeating-linear-gradient(100deg,var(--black)_0%,var(--black)_7%,var(--transparent)_10%,var(--transparent)_12%,var(--black)_16%)] [--white-gradient:repeating-linear-gradient(100deg,var(--white)_0%,var(--white)_7%,var(--transparent)_10%,var(--transparent)_12%,var(--white)_16%)] after:absolute after:inset-0 after:[background-image:var(--white-gradient),var(--aurora)] after:[background-size:200%,_100%] after:[background-attachment:fixed] after:mix-blend-difference after:content-[""] dark:[background-image:var(--dark-gradient),var(--aurora)] dark:invert-0 after:dark:[background-image:var(--dark-gradient),var(--aurora)]`,
showRadialGradient &&
Prop | Type | Default | Description |
children | ReactNode | N/A | The content to be displayed within the AuroraBackground component. |
className | string | N/A | Additional CSS classes to apply to the component for styling. |
showRadialGradient | boolean | true | Determines whether a radial gradient effect is applied to the background. |
...props | object | N/A | Any other props that should be passed to the div element of the component. |
This component is ideated and initialized by Akshith Pottigari
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