"use client" ;
import { cn } from "@/lib/utils" ;
import { AnimatePresence , motion } from "motion/react" ;
import React , {
ReactNode ,
createContext ,
useContext ,
useEffect ,
useRef ,
useState ,
} from "react" ;
interface ModalContextType {
open : boolean ;
setOpen : ( open : boolean ) => void ;
const ModalContext = createContext < ModalContextType | undefined >( undefined );
export const ModalProvider = ({ children }: { children : ReactNode }) => {
const [ open , setOpen ] = useState ( false );
return (
< ModalContext.Provider value ={{ open , setOpen }} >
{ children }
</ ModalContext.Provider >
export const useModal = () => {
const context = useContext ( ModalContext );
if ( ! context ) {
throw new Error ( "useModal must be used within a ModalProvider" );
return context ;
export function Modal ({ children }: { children : ReactNode }) {
return < ModalProvider > { children } </ ModalProvider > ;
export const ModalTrigger = ({
children ,
className ,
}: {
children : ReactNode ;
className ?: string ;
}) => {
const { setOpen } = useModal ();
return (
< button
className ={ cn (
"px-4 py-2 rounded-md text-black dark:text-white text-center relative overflow-hidden" ,
onClick ={() => setOpen ( true )}
{ children }
</ button >
export const ModalBody = ({
children ,
className ,
}: {
children : ReactNode ;
className ?: string ;
}) => {
const { open } = useModal ();
useEffect (() => {
if ( open ) {
document . body . style . overflow = "hidden" ;
} else {
document . body . style . overflow = "auto" ;
}, [ open ]);
const modalRef = useRef ( null );
const { setOpen } = useModal ();
useOutsideClick ( modalRef , () => setOpen ( false ));
return (
< AnimatePresence >
{ open && (
< motion.div
initial ={{
opacity : 0 ,
animate ={{
opacity : 1 ,
backdropFilter : "blur(10px)" ,
exit ={{
opacity : 0 ,
backdropFilter : "blur(0px)" ,
className = "fixed [perspective:800px] [transform-style:preserve-3d] inset-0 h-full w-full flex items-center justify-center z-50"
< Overlay />
< motion.div
ref ={ modalRef }
className ={ cn (
"min-h-[50%] max-h-[90%] md:max-w-[40%] bg-white dark:bg-neutral-950 border border-transparent dark:border-neutral-800 md:rounded-2xl relative z-50 flex flex-col flex-1 overflow-hidden" ,
initial ={{
opacity : 0 ,
scale : 0.5 ,
rotateX : 40 ,
y : 40 ,
animate ={{
opacity : 1 ,
scale : 1 ,
rotateX : 0 ,
y : 0 ,
exit ={{
opacity : 0 ,
scale : 0.8 ,
rotateX : 10 ,
transition ={{
type : "spring" ,
stiffness : 260 ,
damping : 15 ,
< CloseIcon />
{ children }
</ motion.div >
</ motion.div >
</ AnimatePresence >
export const ModalContent = ({
children ,
className ,
}: {
children : ReactNode ;
className ?: string ;
}) => {
return (
< div className ={ cn ( "flex flex-col flex-1 p-8 md:p-10" , className )} >
{ children }
</ div >
export const ModalFooter = ({
children ,
className ,
}: {
children : ReactNode ;
className ?: string ;
}) => {
return (
< div
className ={ cn (
"flex justify-end p-4 bg-gray-100 dark:bg-neutral-900" ,
{ children }
</ div >
const Overlay = ({ className }: { className ?: string }) => {
return (
< motion.div
initial ={{
opacity : 0 ,
animate ={{
opacity : 1 ,
backdropFilter : "blur(10px)" ,
exit ={{
opacity : 0 ,
backdropFilter : "blur(0px)" ,
className ={ `fixed inset-0 h-full w-full bg-black bg-opacity-50 z-50 ${ className } ` }
></ motion.div >
const CloseIcon = () => {
const { setOpen } = useModal ();
return (
< button
onClick ={() => setOpen ( false )}
className = "absolute top-4 right-4 group"
< svg
xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
width = "24"
height = "24"
viewBox = "0 0 24 24"
fill = "none"
stroke = "currentColor"
strokeWidth = "2"
strokeLinecap = "round"
strokeLinejoin = "round"
className = "text-black dark:text-white h-4 w-4 group-hover:scale-125 group-hover:rotate-3 transition duration-200"
< path stroke = "none" d = "M0 0h24v24H0z" fill = "none" />
< path d = "M18 6l-12 12" />
< path d = "M6 6l12 12" />
</ svg >
</ button >
// Hook to detect clicks outside of a component.
// Add it in a separate file, I've added here for simplicity
export const useOutsideClick = (
ref : React . RefObject < HTMLDivElement >,
callback : Function
) => {
useEffect (() => {
const listener = ( event : any ) => {
// DO NOTHING if the element being clicked is the target element or their children
if ( ! ref . current || ref . current . contains ( event . target )) {
return ;
callback ( event );
document . addEventListener ( "mousedown" , listener );
document . addEventListener ( "touchstart" , listener );
return () => {
document . removeEventListener ( "mousedown" , listener );
document . removeEventListener ( "touchstart" , listener );
}, [ ref , callback ]);