Install util dependenciesnpm i motion clsx tailwind-merge @tabler/icons-react
Add util filelib/utils.ts import { ClassValue , clsx } from "clsx" ;
import { twMerge } from "tailwind-merge" ;
export function cn (... inputs : ClassValue []) {
return twMerge ( clsx ( inputs ));
Copy the source codecomponents/ui/sidebar.tsx
"use client" ;
import { cn } from "@/lib/utils" ;
import Link , { LinkProps } from "next/link" ;
import React , { useState , createContext , useContext } from "react" ;
import { AnimatePresence , motion } from "motion/react" ;
import { IconMenu2 , IconX } from "@tabler/icons-react" ;
interface Links {
label : string ;
href : string ;
icon : React . JSX . Element | React . ReactNode ;
interface SidebarContextProps {
open : boolean ;
setOpen : React . Dispatch < React . SetStateAction < boolean >>;
animate : boolean ;
const SidebarContext = createContext < SidebarContextProps | undefined >(
export const useSidebar = () => {
const context = useContext ( SidebarContext );
if ( ! context ) {
throw new Error ( "useSidebar must be used within a SidebarProvider" );
return context ;
export const SidebarProvider = ({
children ,
open : openProp ,
setOpen : setOpenProp ,
animate = true ,
}: {
children : React . ReactNode ;
open ?: boolean ;
setOpen ?: React . Dispatch < React . SetStateAction < boolean >>;
animate ?: boolean ;
}) => {
const [ openState , setOpenState ] = useState ( false );
const open = openProp !== undefined ? openProp : openState ;
const setOpen = setOpenProp !== undefined ? setOpenProp : setOpenState ;
return (
< SidebarContext.Provider value ={{ open , setOpen , animate : animate }} >
{ children }
</ SidebarContext.Provider >
export const Sidebar = ({
children ,
open ,
setOpen ,
animate ,
}: {
children : React . ReactNode ;
open ?: boolean ;
setOpen ?: React . Dispatch < React . SetStateAction < boolean >>;
animate ?: boolean ;
}) => {
return (
< SidebarProvider open ={ open } setOpen ={ setOpen } animate ={ animate } >
{ children }
</ SidebarProvider >
export const SidebarBody = ( props : React . ComponentProps < typeof motion . div >) => {
return (
< DesktopSidebar {... props } />
< MobileSidebar {...( props as React . ComponentProps < "div" >)} />
export const DesktopSidebar = ({
className ,
children ,
... props
}: React . ComponentProps < typeof motion . div >) => {
const { open , setOpen , animate } = useSidebar ();
return (
< motion.div
className ={ cn (
"h-full px-4 py-4 hidden md:flex md:flex-col bg-neutral-100 dark:bg-neutral-800 w-[300px] shrink-0" ,
animate ={{
width : animate ? ( open ? "300px" : "60px" ) : "300px" ,
onMouseEnter ={() => setOpen ( true )}
onMouseLeave ={() => setOpen ( false )}
{... props }
{ children }
</ motion.div >
export const MobileSidebar = ({
className ,
children ,
... props
}: React . ComponentProps < "div" >) => {
const { open , setOpen } = useSidebar ();
return (
< div
className ={ cn (
"h-10 px-4 py-4 flex flex-row md:hidden items-center justify-between bg-neutral-100 dark:bg-neutral-800 w-full"
{... props }
< div className = "flex justify-end z-20 w-full" >
< IconMenu2
className = "text-neutral-800 dark:text-neutral-200"
onClick ={() => setOpen ( ! open )}
</ div >
< AnimatePresence >
{ open && (
< motion.div
initial ={{ x : "-100%" , opacity : 0 }}
animate ={{ x : 0 , opacity : 1 }}
exit ={{ x : "-100%" , opacity : 0 }}
transition ={{
duration : 0.3 ,
ease : "easeInOut" ,
className ={ cn (
"fixed h-full w-full inset-0 bg-white dark:bg-neutral-900 p-10 z-[100] flex flex-col justify-between" ,
< div
className = "absolute right-10 top-10 z-50 text-neutral-800 dark:text-neutral-200"
onClick ={() => setOpen ( ! open )}
< IconX />
</ div >
{ children }
</ motion.div >
</ AnimatePresence >
</ div >
export const SidebarLink = ({
link ,
className ,
... props
}: {
link : Links ;
className ?: string ;
props ?: LinkProps ;
}) => {
const { open , animate } = useSidebar ();
return (
< Link
href ={ link . href }
className ={ cn (
"flex items-center justify-start gap-2 group/sidebar py-2" ,
{... props }
{ link . icon }
< motion.span
animate ={{
display : animate ? ( open ? "inline-block" : "none" ) : "inline-block" ,
opacity : animate ? ( open ? 1 : 0 ) : 1 ,
className = "text-neutral-700 dark:text-neutral-200 text-sm group-hover/sidebar:translate-x-1 transition duration-150 whitespace-pre inline-block !p-0 !m-0"
{ link . label }
</ motion.span >
</ Link >