

A configurable sparkles component that can be used as a background or as a standalone component.



Install Dependencies

npm i framer-motion clsx tailwind-merge @tsparticles/react @tsparticles/engine @tsparticles/slim

Add util file

import { ClassValue, clsx } from "clsx";
import { twMerge } from "tailwind-merge";
export function cn(...inputs: ClassValue[]) {
  return twMerge(clsx(inputs));

Copy and paste the following code into your project


"use client";
import React from "react";
import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import Particles, { initParticlesEngine } from "@tsparticles/react";
import type { Container, SingleOrMultiple } from "@tsparticles/engine";
import { loadSlim } from "@tsparticles/slim";
import { cn } from "@/lib/utils";
import { motion, useAnimation } from "framer-motion";
type ParticlesProps = {
  id?: string;
  className?: string;
  background?: string;
  particleSize?: number;
  minSize?: number;
  maxSize?: number;
  speed?: number;
  particleColor?: string;
  particleDensity?: number;
export const SparklesCore = (props: ParticlesProps) => {
  const {
  } = props;
  const [init, setInit] = useState(false);
  useEffect(() => {
    initParticlesEngine(async (engine) => {
      await loadSlim(engine);
    }).then(() => {
  }, []);
  const controls = useAnimation();
  const particlesLoaded = async (container?: Container) => {
    if (container) {
        opacity: 1,
        transition: {
          duration: 1,
  return (
    <motion.div animate={controls} className={cn("opacity-0", className)}>
      {init && (
          id={id || "tsparticles"}
          className={cn("h-full w-full")}
            background: {
              color: {
                value: background || "#0d47a1",
            fullScreen: {
              enable: false,
              zIndex: 1,
            fpsLimit: 120,
            interactivity: {
              events: {
                onClick: {
                  enable: true,
                  mode: "push",
                onHover: {
                  enable: false,
                  mode: "repulse",
                resize: true as any,
              modes: {
                push: {
                  quantity: 4,
                repulse: {
                  distance: 200,
                  duration: 0.4,
            particles: {
              bounce: {
                horizontal: {
                  value: 1,
                vertical: {
                  value: 1,
              collisions: {
                absorb: {
                  speed: 2,
                bounce: {
                  horizontal: {
                    value: 1,
                  vertical: {
                    value: 1,
                enable: false,
                maxSpeed: 50,
                mode: "bounce",
                overlap: {
                  enable: true,
                  retries: 0,
              color: {
                value: particleColor || "#ffffff",
                animation: {
                  h: {
                    count: 0,
                    enable: false,
                    speed: 1,
                    decay: 0,
                    delay: 0,
                    sync: true,
                    offset: 0,
                  s: {
                    count: 0,
                    enable: false,
                    speed: 1,
                    decay: 0,
                    delay: 0,
                    sync: true,
                    offset: 0,
                  l: {
                    count: 0,
                    enable: false,
                    speed: 1,
                    decay: 0,
                    delay: 0,
                    sync: true,
                    offset: 0,
              effect: {
                close: true,
                fill: true,
                options: {},
                type: {} as SingleOrMultiple<string> | undefined,
              groups: {},
              move: {
                angle: {
                  offset: 0,
                  value: 90,
                attract: {
                  distance: 200,
                  enable: false,
                  rotate: {
                    x: 3000,
                    y: 3000,
                center: {
                  x: 50,
                  y: 50,
                  mode: "percent",
                  radius: 0,
                decay: 0,
                distance: {},
                direction: "none",
                drift: 0,
                enable: true,
                gravity: {
                  acceleration: 9.81,
                  enable: false,
                  inverse: false,
                  maxSpeed: 50,
                path: {
                  clamp: true,
                  delay: {
                    value: 0,
                  enable: false,
                  options: {},
                outModes: {
                  default: "out",
                random: false,
                size: false,
                speed: {
                  min: 0.1,
                  max: 1,
                spin: {
                  acceleration: 0,
                  enable: false,
                straight: false,
                trail: {
                  enable: false,
                  length: 10,
                  fill: {},
                vibrate: false,
                warp: false,
              number: {
                density: {
                  enable: true,
                  width: 400,
                  height: 400,
                limit: {
                  mode: "delete",
                  value: 0,
                value: particleDensity || 120,
              opacity: {
                value: {
                  min: 0.1,
                  max: 1,
                animation: {
                  count: 0,
                  enable: true,
                  speed: speed || 4,
                  decay: 0,
                  delay: 0,
                  sync: false,
                  mode: "auto",
                  startValue: "random",
                  destroy: "none",
              reduceDuplicates: false,
              shadow: {
                blur: 0,
                color: {
                  value: "#000",
                enable: false,
                offset: {
                  x: 0,
                  y: 0,
              shape: {
                close: true,
                fill: true,
                options: {},
                type: "circle",
              size: {
                value: {
                  min: minSize || 1,
                  max: maxSize || 3,
                animation: {
                  count: 0,
                  enable: false,
                  speed: 5,
                  decay: 0,
                  delay: 0,
                  sync: false,
                  mode: "auto",
                  startValue: "random",
                  destroy: "none",
              stroke: {
                width: 0,
              zIndex: {
                value: 0,
                opacityRate: 1,
                sizeRate: 1,
                velocityRate: 1,
              destroy: {
                bounds: {},
                mode: "none",
                split: {
                  count: 1,
                  factor: {
                    value: 3,
                  rate: {
                    value: {
                      min: 4,
                      max: 9,
                  sizeOffset: true,
              roll: {
                darken: {
                  enable: false,
                  value: 0,
                enable: false,
                enlighten: {
                  enable: false,
                  value: 0,
                mode: "vertical",
                speed: 25,
              tilt: {
                value: 0,
                animation: {
                  enable: false,
                  speed: 0,
                  decay: 0,
                  sync: false,
                direction: "clockwise",
                enable: false,
              twinkle: {
                lines: {
                  enable: false,
                  frequency: 0.05,
                  opacity: 1,
                particles: {
                  enable: false,
                  frequency: 0.05,
                  opacity: 1,
              wobble: {
                distance: 5,
                enable: false,
                speed: {
                  angle: 50,
                  move: 10,
              life: {
                count: 0,
                delay: {
                  value: 0,
                  sync: false,
                duration: {
                  value: 0,
                  sync: false,
              rotate: {
                value: 0,
                animation: {
                  enable: false,
                  speed: 0,
                  decay: 0,
                  sync: false,
                direction: "clockwise",
                path: false,
              orbit: {
                animation: {
                  count: 0,
                  enable: false,
                  speed: 1,
                  decay: 0,
                  delay: 0,
                  sync: false,
                enable: false,
                opacity: 1,
                rotation: {
                  value: 45,
                width: 1,
              links: {
                blink: false,
                color: {
                  value: "#fff",
                consent: false,
                distance: 100,
                enable: false,
                frequency: 1,
                opacity: 1,
                shadow: {
                  blur: 5,
                  color: {
                    value: "#000",
                  enable: false,
                triangles: {
                  enable: false,
                  frequency: 1,
                width: 1,
                warp: false,
              repulse: {
                value: 0,
                enabled: false,
                distance: 1,
                duration: 1,
                factor: 1,
                speed: 1,
            detectRetina: true,


Build great products


Prop nameTypeDescription
idstringThe id of the sparkles component.
classNamestringThe class name of the sparkles component.
backgroundstringThe background color of the sparkles component.
particleSizenumberThe size of the particles in the sparkles component.
minSizenumberThe minimum size of the particles in the sparkles component.
maxSizenumberThe maximum size of the particles in the sparkles component.
speednumberThe speed of the particles in the sparkles component.
particleColorstringThe color of the particles in the sparkles component.
particleDensitynumberThe density of the particles in the sparkles component.
A product by Aceternity
Building in public at @mannupaaji