Glowing Effect
A border glowing effect that adapts to any container or card, as seen on Cursor's website.
Do things the right way
Running out of copy so I'll write anything.
The best AI code editor ever.
Yes, it's true. I'm not even kidding. Ask my mom if you don't believe me.
You should buy Aceternity UI Pro
It's the best money you'll ever spend
This card is also built by Cursor
I'm not even kidding. Ask my mom if you don't believe me.
Coming soon on Aceternity UI
I'm writing the code as I record this, no shit.
Install dependencies
npm i motion clsx tailwind-merge
Add util file
import { ClassValue, clsx } from "clsx";
import { twMerge } from "tailwind-merge";
export function cn(...inputs: ClassValue[]) {
return twMerge(clsx(inputs));
Copy the source code
"use client";
import { memo, useCallback, useEffect, useRef } from "react";
import { cn } from "@/lib/utils";
import { animate } from "motion/react";
interface GlowingEffectProps {
blur?: number;
inactiveZone?: number;
proximity?: number;
spread?: number;
variant?: "default" | "white";
glow?: boolean;
className?: string;
disabled?: boolean;
movementDuration?: number;
borderWidth?: number;
const GlowingEffect = memo(
blur = 0,
inactiveZone = 0.7,
proximity = 0,
spread = 20,
variant = "default",
glow = false,
movementDuration = 2,
borderWidth = 1,
disabled = true,
}: GlowingEffectProps) => {
const containerRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
const lastPosition = useRef({ x: 0, y: 0 });
const animationFrameRef = useRef<number>(0);
const handleMove = useCallback(
(e?: MouseEvent | { x: number; y: number }) => {
if (!containerRef.current) return;
if (animationFrameRef.current) {
animationFrameRef.current = requestAnimationFrame(() => {
const element = containerRef.current;
if (!element) return;
const { left, top, width, height } = element.getBoundingClientRect();
const mouseX = e?.x ?? lastPosition.current.x;
const mouseY = e?.y ?? lastPosition.current.y;
if (e) {
lastPosition.current = { x: mouseX, y: mouseY };
const center = [left + width * 0.5, top + height * 0.5];
const distanceFromCenter = Math.hypot(
mouseX - center[0],
mouseY - center[1]
const inactiveRadius = 0.5 * Math.min(width, height) * inactiveZone;
if (distanceFromCenter < inactiveRadius) {"--active", "0");
const isActive =
mouseX > left - proximity &&
mouseX < left + width + proximity &&
mouseY > top - proximity &&
mouseY < top + height + proximity;"--active", isActive ? "1" : "0");
if (!isActive) return;
const currentAngle =
parseFloat("--start")) || 0;
let targetAngle =
(180 * Math.atan2(mouseY - center[1], mouseX - center[0])) /
Math.PI +
const angleDiff = ((targetAngle - currentAngle + 180) % 360) - 180;
const newAngle = currentAngle + angleDiff;
animate(currentAngle, newAngle, {
duration: movementDuration,
ease: [0.16, 1, 0.3, 1],
onUpdate: (value) => {"--start", String(value));
[inactiveZone, proximity, movementDuration]
useEffect(() => {
if (disabled) return;
const handleScroll = () => handleMove();
const handlePointerMove = (e: PointerEvent) => handleMove(e);
window.addEventListener("scroll", handleScroll, { passive: true });
document.body.addEventListener("pointermove", handlePointerMove, {
passive: true,
return () => {
if (animationFrameRef.current) {
window.removeEventListener("scroll", handleScroll);
document.body.removeEventListener("pointermove", handlePointerMove);
}, [handleMove, disabled]);
return (
"pointer-events-none absolute -inset-px hidden rounded-[inherit] border opacity-0 transition-opacity",
glow && "opacity-100",
variant === "white" && "border-white",
disabled && "!block"
"--blur": `${blur}px`,
"--spread": spread,
"--start": "0",
"--active": "0",
"--glowingeffect-border-width": `${borderWidth}px`,
"--repeating-conic-gradient-times": "5",
variant === "white"
? `repeating-conic-gradient(
from 236.84deg at 50% 50%,
var(--black) calc(25% / var(--repeating-conic-gradient-times))
: `radial-gradient(circle, #dd7bbb 10%, #dd7bbb00 20%),
radial-gradient(circle at 40% 40%, #d79f1e 5%, #d79f1e00 15%),
radial-gradient(circle at 60% 60%, #5a922c 10%, #5a922c00 20%),
radial-gradient(circle at 40% 60%, #4c7894 10%, #4c789400 20%),
from 236.84deg at 50% 50%,
#dd7bbb 0%,
#d79f1e calc(25% / var(--repeating-conic-gradient-times)),
#5a922c calc(50% / var(--repeating-conic-gradient-times)),
#4c7894 calc(75% / var(--repeating-conic-gradient-times)),
#dd7bbb calc(100% / var(--repeating-conic-gradient-times))
} as React.CSSProperties
"pointer-events-none absolute inset-0 rounded-[inherit] opacity-100 transition-opacity",
glow && "opacity-100",
blur > 0 && "blur-[var(--blur)] ",
disabled && "!hidden"
'after:content-[""] after:rounded-[inherit] after:absolute after:inset-[calc(-1*var(--glowingeffect-border-width))]',
"after:[background:var(--gradient)] after:[background-attachment:fixed]",
"after:opacity-[var(--active)] after:transition-opacity after:duration-300",
GlowingEffect.displayName = "GlowingEffect";
export { GlowingEffect };
Here is another example usage of the same component with different props.
Do things the right way
Running out of copy so I'll write anything.
The best AI code editor ever.
Yes, it's true. I'm not even kidding. Ask my mom if you don't believe me.
You should buy Aceternity UI Pro
It's the best money you'll ever spend
This card is also built by Cursor
I'm not even kidding. Ask my mom if you don't believe me.
Coming soon on Aceternity UI
I'm writing the code as I record this, no shit.
Prop | Type | Default | Description |
blur | number | 0 | The amount of blur applied to the glowing effect in pixels |
inactiveZone | number | 0.7 | The radius multiplier for the center zone where the effect is disabled. Value between 0 and 1 |
proximity | number | 0 | The distance in pixels beyond the element's bounds where the effect remains active |
spread | number | 20 | The angular spread of the glowing effect in degrees |
variant | "default" | "white" | "default" | The color variant of the effect. "default" uses a multi-color gradient, while "white" uses a black and white scheme |
glow | boolean | false | When true, forces the effect to be visible regardless of hover state |
className | string | undefined | Additional CSS classes to apply to the effect container |
disabled | boolean | true | When true, disables the interactive glowing effect |
movementDuration | number | 2 | The duration of the glow movement animation in seconds |
borderWidth | number | 1 | The width of the glowing border in pixels |
This component was inspired by Cursor's Enterprise page.
Get beautiful, hand-crafted templates and components with Aceternity UI Pro
Professional, beautiful and elegant templates for your business. Get the best component packs and templates with Aceternity UI Pro.
I'd highly recommend working with Manu on a site redesign. We came to Manu with a basic website shell. Manu quickly took our rough concept and transformed it into a polished, user-friendly website....
Ray Thai
Head of Product at Fireworks