See which companies are using Aceternity UI to build their landing pages and web applications.
Here's what some of our users have to say about Aceternity UI. So well done. And its bloody free 🤯🤯 Phenomenal work by @mannupaaji
✨ Aceternity UI is a complete collections of stunning effects ready to used for your website. It's shadcn/ui for magic effects. Can't believe it's free! 👉
So happy to see @mannupaaji work being recognised 🥹🤌🏻♥️ His work is literally a treasure trove for devs 💎
Yoo.... This has to be the most beautiful component library I've ever seen!! Shoutout to @mannupaaji for releasing this for free!
Aceternity UI has some of the best components for designing landing pages I've ever seen. If you're struggling with figuring out what animations to use. Check it out. Thank me later 😉.
Have you heard of Aceternity UI? It's packed with various animated components that are ready to copy and paste! Mind-blowing stuff... 🤯 Click here ➡️ #framermotion #nextjs #tailwindcss #techinnovation
@aceternitylabs is just awesome, added some of its elements in my portfolio website
Stumbled upon today and my mind is blown 🤯 The seamless integration of framer-motion, tailwind CSS, and shadcn showcases a masterclass in UI design. 🚀 Kudos to @mannupaaji for creating such an innovative and inspirational resource for devs! #UI #nextjs
I do highly recommend checking out by @mannupaaji It's greaaaat!
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